“But I Don’t Know How to Do A Handstand!”

When I tell people that I teach “Find My Handstand” at Yoga Pole Studio and that they should come take it if they want to work on upper body and core strength and (obviously) handstands, the most common response I get is: “I want to take the class, but I don’t know how to do a handstand!”

That’s the point of the class, though! To learn how to do a handstand. Even if you’ve never done a handstand in your life, or even a headstand, as long as you have some foundation core and upper body strength, you can take the class! The only prerequisite for the class is to be able to hold a push-up plank position for at least 15 seconds. 

If you are a beginner to inversions, we work on baby steps: shoulder stands, headstands (Salamba Sirsasana), forearm stands (Pincha Mayurasana), lots of preparatory drills for handstands, and THEN finally the handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana). All using the pole and/or wall for support. No one will ever be asked to do a handstand if they are not ready – safety is the first and foremost focus. 

If you have had some prior handstand experience, we will work on kicking up unsupported, balancing on your hands, stability, and then perhaps some more advanced entries and exits to/from the handstand. 

Every class includes lots of conditioning and flexibility as it is my belief that handstands are best learned when the student has the strength in the upper body and core and flexibility in the shoulders and hips. Without these foundations, the student might learn bad habits that are much harder to break later on than learning technique properly in the first place. Each class also includes homework for students to take home to work on – whether it is conditioning or flexibility – to help achieve your inversion goals faster for those who are dedicated!

So, what are you waiting for? If you live or will be visiting New York City or nearby areas, come check out “Find My Handstand” at Yoga Pole Studio! You may soon find yourself upside-down, on your hands feeling stronger and more refreshed with blood circulating to your brain!

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