The old but very wise phrases food is medicine and that you are what you eat are just two of the major pillars on which Barbara’s nutritional approach stands.

Because just about every structure, cell, and organ in the human body is made up of molecules that can only be obtained from food, building and rebuilding of these structures happens best when we eat natural, minimally processed food without artificial ingredients that can interfere eith digestion or metabolic processes in our bodies.

Oftentimes, diseases and ailments (both physical and mental) can be managed with simple changes in what we eat. Just by giving our bodies the nutrients we need to function better, and by eliminating the chemicals and unnecessary ingredients that may hinder the body’s natural processes, improving what we put into our bodies can alleviate, prevent, or even reverse disease.

The No-Diet Approach

Adjusting your diet should not mean “going on a diet.” In fact, anyone looking to lose weight, improve health, or perform better in athletics should never feel like they are on a diet. Regardless of your goal, eating healthier should involve changes than YOU feel comfortable with and that YOU can sustain for the long-term.

Drastic “fad diets” popular in the media or promoted by celebrities are often unhealthy and unsustainable. Those who subscribe to such diets may lose weight or see desired results in the short-term but because it’s impossible to follow these diets for life, people end up regaining the weight they’ve lost … and then some.

What Barbara will teach you are strategies to make small, easy changes to your typical eating habits that will not only give you the results you want but also help you make those changes permanent for life. These changes DO NOT involve cutting out food groups or giving up the foods you like. Instead, it is about finding balance between enjoying food and making better choices to make achieving your goals possible.

Learn more about Barbara’s Nutrition Counseling services.